De vs. des vs. dès vs. du vs. dû vs. deux
of (expresses belonging, property or association)
Quel est le nom de cet oiseau ? (What's the name of this bird?) -
from (used to indicate origin)
Venez-vous de Paris ? (Are you from Paris?) -
of (indicates an amount)
Je voudrais deux kilos de pommes. (I'd like two kilos of apples.) -
(used attributively, often translated into English as a compound word)
Posons quelques règles de base. (Let's establish some ground rules.) -
from (used to indicate the start of a time or range)
De Janvier à Juin, il fait jour de plus en plus tôt. (From January to June, the sun rises earlier.) -
(used after certain verbs before an infinitive, often translated into English as a gerund or an infinitive)
Pourquoi a-t-il cessé de fumer ? (Why did he stop smoking?)J'ai décidé de prendre son parti contre les autres. (I decided to take his side against the others.) -
by (indicates the amount of change)
L'économie japonaise a crû de 4 % l'an dernier. (The Japanese economy grew by 4% last year.) -
(indefinite plural article used with prepositioned adjectives)
En la compagnie de bons amis, le temps s'envola. (In the company of good friends, the time flew by.) -
(indefinite plural article used in negated sentences with the grammatical object)
Je n'ai pas de voiture. (I don't have a car.)
(plural of indefinite article "un")
Je vends des ordinateurs. (I sell computers.) -
(plural of indefinite article "une")
Je lui achèterai des bottes. (I'll buy him some boots.) -
of the, from the (contraction of "de" and "les")
Je prendrai soin des fleurs. (I will take care of the flowers.)Les grenouilles ont peur des serpents. (Frogs are afraid of snakes.)
since, from
Notre plan est mal parti dès le début. (Our plan went wrong from the beginning.) -
dès que: once, as soon as
Allons-y dès qu'il s'arrêtera de pleuvoir. (Let's go as soon as it stops raining.) -
dès à présent: here and now, right now, as of now, already
Réservez dès à présent. (Book now.)
of the, from the (contraction of "de" and "le")
La réunion du parlement commencera à 14 heures. (The meeting of the parliament will start at 2 pm.)Ils nourrissent les animaux du zoo. (They feed the animals of the zoo.) -
(partitive article used with uncountable nouns)
N'oublie pas d'acheter du pain. (Don't forget to buy bread.)Veux-tu du vin chaud ? (Do you want some mulled wine?)
Participe passé form of the verb DEVOIR (must)
J'ai dû surveiller les enfants. (I had to look after the children.)
Vous avez deux nouveaux messages. (You have two new messages.)Deux fois quatre égalent huit. (Two times four equals eight.)