The verb prefixes <strong>be-, ge-, er-, ent-, emp-, miss-, ver-</strong> and <strong>zer-</strong> are always <strong>inseparable</strong>. Verbs with inseparable prefixes have the following characteristics:
<p>The prefix always stays <strong>attached to the verb</strong> (even in the "zu + infinitive" structure): </p>
<div class="conjugation_explanation_example_sentence">Er <span class="green_emphasis">bekommt</span> in Französisch gute Noten. (<span style="font-style: italic;">He gets good grades in French.</span>)</div>
<div class="conjugation_explanation_example_sentence">Ich habe versucht, dem Polizeibeamten das Problem <strong>zu</strong> <span class="green_emphasis">erklären</span>. (<span style="font-style: italic;">I tried to explain the problem to the police officer.</span>)</div>
<p>The <strong>-ge- infix does not appear</strong> in the <span style="font-style: italic;">Partizip</span> (past participle) form of the verb:</p>